An analog panel ammeter, also known simply as an ammeter or amperemeter, is an electrical instrument used to measure electric current in a circuit. It provides a visual representation of the currents magnitude on an analog display, typically using a pointer or needle moving across a scale. Analog panel ammeters have a needle or pointer that moves across a scale to indicate the current flow. The scale is typically calibrated in units of amperes A or milliamperes mA, depending on the expected current range. They are available in various current measurement ranges to accommodate different applications. For example, you might find ammeters with ranges of 0-5A, 0-50A, 0-100A, or other values, depending on the specific instrument. They are designed for panel or enclosure mounting with dimension of 72×72 and are often used in control panels or electrical cabinets. The panel typically has a transparent cover to protect the instrument. MEMSI – magnetic-electrical movable steel instrument,
MEMC – magnetic-electrical movable coi